Thursday, November 17, 2011

Q-Tip Snowflake

Easy to Make Q-Tip Snowflakes!

Q Tips
Tacky Glue
Plastic wrap

Step 1. Make snowflake shape on plastic wrap
Step 2. Put globs of tacky glue on connecting tips
Step 3. Sprinkle on glitter
Step 4. Let dry overnight
Step 5. Peel away from plastic wrap

Snowman Face Ornament

Want to make this cute ornament? Here's how!

White Christmas ornaments (or any color you can paint white, but this takes extra time and materials)
Black Sharpie or Black Paint (which is used for making the face)
Orange paint or orange foam paper (used for making nose)
felt or fabric fleece (For making the hat)
Hot Glue Gun

1.Paint ornament white if needed. Let dry completely
2. Cut felt into strips about 3in. by 8in (you can cut access off)
3. Cut .5 inch slits on one side of the felt to make the top of the hat
4. Hot glue the hat on the ornament and tie the top of the hat with left over felt
5. Make your snowman face